Advisor Resources

Be a successful Builders Club advisor.


We are here to support you!

Thank you for agreeing to serve as a Builders Club advisor. Your involvement is crucial to the success of Builders Club. And you have various sources of support. Volunteers within the district, known as K-Kids district administrators, are available to answer questions. Additionally, member services staff at Kiwanis International headquarters are also ready to help—they’re just an e-mail or phone call away!

Phone: 1-800-Kiwanis, ext. 411

Builders Club program kit items

Review what’s offered in this year’s Builders Club program kit. Look through all the resources and share with club members.

Digital Resources

We are here to support you!

Thank you for agreeing to serve as a Builders Club advisor. Your involvement is crucial to the success of Builders Club. And you have various sources of support. Volunteers within the district, known as Builders Club district administrators, are available to answer questions. Additionally, member services staff at Kiwanis International headquarters are also ready to help—they’re just an e-mail or phone call away!

Phone: 1-800-Kiwanis, ext. 411



Recorded Chats / Webinars

Advisor Chats (2023- 2024)

Whether you are a faculty or Kiwanis advisor, click on the links below to watch short videos in this Advisor Training series to learn important things that will help you do your work and guide your club to thrive.

Advisor Chats (2022- 2023)

Additional Educational Opportunities

Virtual Tools to conduct club meetings


Faculty advisor

Each Builders Club has a faculty advisor chosen from the faculty, staff or administration of the school. The faculty advisor works closely with both the Builders Club and the sponsoring Kiwanis club. The faculty advisor is familiar with the school’s procedures and acts as liaison between the K-Kids club, Kiwanis club and school administration.

If the Builders Club is a community-based club, then a staff person from the facility should fill this role.

Kiwanis advisor

The Kiwanis advisor’s role is to initiate organization of a Builders Club in accordance with guidelines provided by Kiwanis International, obtain the approval of school officials for its establishment as a school organization, recruit initial members, schedule the organizational meeting, file the Petition for Charter, plan for the charter presentation event and after the club is fully operating, provide continuous coordination, counsel and assistance. The Kiwanis advisor is also responsible for conducting Builders Club officers training to incoming leadership.

Surveys for for Builders Club Members and Advisors

End-Of-Year Member Survey

Thank you to advisors for having your club officers and members complete the End-Of-Year Member Survey in May. Results from this survey will be shared soon.


Additional Advisor Resources

Purchase Builders Club gear!