District Administrators

The Builders Club district administrator is a Kiwanis volunteer appointed by the Kiwanis district to help open new Builders Clubs, promote Builders Club and support existing clubs in a state, country or geographic area. Read on to understand administrators’ responsibilities. And check out the District Administrator Guide for detailed information.

District administrator responsibilities

A district administrator is the primary “go-to” person for the Builders Club program in their district. As an ambassador for the program, the district administrator:

  • Attends and advocates for the Builders Club program at district events, including hosting workshops about the program’s benefits at the Kiwanis district convention.
  • Promotes Builders Club and shares stories of their district’s Builders Clubs through articles, social media and district meetings.
  • Develops positive working relationships with the Kiwanis district governor, governor-elect, district secretary and other Kiwanis leaders.

Opening new clubs
A district administrator is responsible for opening new clubs in their district. Visit Start a Club for information about the process and explanations for how to complete the Petition for Charter form and Petition for Reactivation form. To open new clubs, an administrator will:

  • Identify potential club host sites (schools, youth organizations, community centers, etc.) in the district and share information about Builders Club with decision-makers at those sites.
  • Identify Kiwanis clubs that want to sponsor new Builders Clubs.
  • Match interested host sites and Kiwanis clubs.
  • Support them through the chartering process.
  • Assist sites in chartering without a sponsoring Kiwanis club.
  • Identify areas or school districts without Builders Clubs (using Builders Club district reports) and try to develop local interest in starting clubs.
  • Reactivate inactive and clubs from the past that lost their charters (see the Tips for Reactivating Clubs and identify inactive clubs using the Club Information Report).

Club support
In addition to growing clubs, the administrator also has the important responsibility of supporting and strengthening existing clubs — and making them feel like they are part of the Kiwanis family. Log in to Kiwanis Connect to download an Excel spreadsheet that lists Builders Club faculty and Kiwanis advisors in your district and their contact information.

To support your clubs:

  • Communicate important information about service, events and deadlines with faculty and Kiwanis advisors at the beginning of the year and throughout.
  • Help advisors and clubs solve challenges they may face (such as program kit shipments, renewal fee payments, and an advisor’s departure).
  • Show appreciation for, and recognize, the work of advisors.
  • Invite club advisors and officers to share their club stories at district events and district convention.

Liaison to Kiwanis International
District administrators are the primary link between the Kiwanis International staff and the Builders Clubs in their district. Responsibilities include:

  • Assisting Kiwanis staff by sharing information and event reminders with advisors, solving issues faced by Builders Clubs, and sharing club stories with Kiwanis.
  • Attending district administrator chats with Kiwanis International’s Service Leadership Programs staff several times each year.
  • Following Kiwanis International policies. For example,  Kiwanis Youth Protection Policies and Proceduresrequire administrators to clear a background check through Kiwanis International and complete Praesidium youth protection courses every two years. Administrators must also sign a Kiwanis Code of Ethics and Conduct document annually.

Committee leadership
Some districts have a Builders Club or Service Leadership Programs (SLP) committee. The committee consists of volunteers who help carry out the district administrator responsibilities and district’s goals for Builders Club (or all SLPs). To lead a committee:

  1. Recruit committee members. Consider people with skills that match the needs for the work ahead —and from communities across the district, if the district is large. Committee members can help administrators with club growth activities (like meeting with school leaders) in their local communities!
  2. Assign members specific responsibilities and provide training.
  3. Guide and support members.

Administrator events (2024-25)
Register for upcoming administrator virtual events or watch recordings of past events.

Useful District Administrator Reports
Builders Club district reports (the Club Information Listing, Paid Membership Report and Charters to Date report) available through the Service Leadership Club Reports webpage will show:

  • each club’s status (active or inactive),
  • which clubs have paid a renewal fee for the year,
  • membership numbers for each club and
  • a list of newly chartered clubs.

Adminstrator resources

Administrator resources

Find the tools that will help you understand, keep track, and carry out administrator tasks. Check out district reports, e-newsletters, District Administrator Checklist, District Administrator Guide, Petition for Charter form, Petition for Reactivation form, and more.

Administrator education

Check out training and event videos and presentations for new and experienced administrators. Learn important things to know about Builders Club, the administrator’s role, strategies for growing clubs, and more.

Club growth resources

Find tools for club chartering and to interest prospective host sites in opening new clubs and Kiwanis clubs in sponsoring them. Check out the “Start a Builders Club” video, promotional brochure, “What is Builders Club?” presentation, Petition for Charter form, logos, templates, and more.

Advisor resources

Learn about Builders Club program kit materials – including the Builders Club Advisor Toolkit – and other resources available for your advisors and clubs.

Follow Builders Club on social media

Get the latest news and connect with other clubs worldwide on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest.

Need assistance?

If you have questions or need additional assistance, contact Service Leadership Program staff at: .